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Coming Soon!!!

Work has been completed on two new scrips!

The first is The Honourable Gentleman, a pitch black comedy that charts the fallout of a real-life political scandal. The first act follows Lord Lambton in the immediate aftermath of his affair with a sex-worker became public knowledge. The second act switches its focus as we follow Norma Levy, a sex worker living in exile and fearing for her life.

The second script which is in the process of being performance drafted, is Herbert West: Reanimator, our first adaptation of an existing work of fiction. Adapted from a series of short works by HP Lovecraft, this show is set to be a more grounded take on the material than previous filmed adaptations, focusing more in the existential elements of life after death, what lies beyond the veil and how much can you bring back?

This is not to say that their won't be a certain amount of scrungey gore to behold, as there will be an element of traditional Grande Guignol stage horror thrown into the mix and we will be making some of the most adorable Jonathan Richman songs sound scary as all hell!

We'll bring you opening and touring dates once they are finalised for these projects.

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